12 Reasons To Hire A Professional Benefit Fundraising Auctioneer VS. The Free Guy

I was asked years ago to be the auctioneer for a gala. “Great!”, I thought. “I love the microphone and I love sales! Afterall, I hold a degree in News Reporting and Editing and I had a radio show for several years. I’ll be doing them a favor.” WRONG! That gala raised tens of thousands of dollars and I know now after paid training and mentoring from the country’s best and years of experience; they should have paid a professional. Now I know what I didn’t know.

  1. Professionally Trained at a Recognized Auction School, ask to see diploma.
  2. The Benefit Auctioneer Specialist (BAS) designation means they understand NPO’s.
  3. Only the National Auctioneer’s Association assigns the BAS designation.
  4. She understands your audience is made up of precious donors, not ATM’s.
  5. Your BAS WILL NEVER touch your money, only you will.
  6. Their pitch and clarity should match what your audience will understand. Ask for a demo.(Not a car or cattle auction sound!)
  7. They know your crowd is there to be first and foremost respected and not “sold” to.
  8. They can help with endeavors beyond the Auction to raise money for your cause.
  9. Their training should enable them to look at your timeline and help you maximize your results.
  10. If they are good, they can read the room and perform at will for maximum results.
  11. She/He knows the difference between auction options, lineup, and timing.
  12. He/ She will likely raise 10X of what they charged you.

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